Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar founded AMURT (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team) in 1965 with the objective to help meet the needs of the affected population after natural disasters that regularly hit the Indian subcontinent. Based on Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s philosophy of “Service to Humanity is Service to God”, over the years in addition to helping and assisting victims of natural and man-made disasters, AMURT’s mission was expanded to also help and improve the quality of life of the poor and the underprivileged people.
AMURT GLOBAL (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team – Global) is a registered humanitarian NGO (Non Government Organization) founded in 2014 in India based on philosophy and mission as given by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. We endeavor to achieve the mission with some key objectives. The WHAT, WHERE and HOW of our mission is as follows.
Our key objectives are
- In the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster we give relief to the victims with first-aid, food, water, blankets, medicines, etc.
- We also organize regular mass-feedings for the needy.
- We organize regular camps for health-checkups, eye-checkups, blood donation, medicine distribution, etc.
- We organize regular medical help such as cataract surgery or other simple medical aids for the needy.
- AMURT GLOBAL supports multiple schools for children that cannot afford schooling.
- We also support multiple children’s home and orphanages.
- We organize various activities such as garbage cleaning, plantation, water management, etc. to help protect the ecology and environment
Our volunteers arrange relief and other activities in various cities and villages of India. Ananda Marga also has volunteers and sympathizers in several other countries who also organize various relief and welfare activities in their local communities.
AMURT GLOBAL is a distributed transparent organization. All development, planning and execution of activities are carried out by volunteers free of costs. If you are interested to help us in your own home town or elsewhere then feel free to contact us.
There is a board that facilitates the official work and formalities. It is headed by

Acarya Abhiramananda Avdhuta